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28 Apr 2016

Create a node programmatially in Drupal 7

      This blog describes about how to create a new node programmatically in Drupal 7. If you want to add a new node, you can done at node/add by default. In Drupal, you can also add a node programmatically. Let see the below code.

// create object
  $node = new stdClass();
  // set title for a node
  $node->title = t('Created node programmatically');
  // set node type
  $node->type = 'article';
  // set node language
  $node->language = LANGUAGE_NONE;
  // set value to node body
  $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = t('This node has been created programmatically in Drupal 7');
  // set value to node body summary
  //$node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['summary'] = text_summary(t('This node has been created programmatically in Drupal 7'));
  // set node body format like plain_text, filtered_html, full_html
  $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['format'] = 'filtered_html';
  // author for a node
  $node->uid = 1;
  // status of node  0 - unpublished, 1 - published
  $node->status = 1;
  // promoted to front page or not
  $node->promote = 0;
  // sitcky at top of tha page
  $node->sticky = 0;
  // comments 0 - hidden, 1 - closed, 2 - opened
  $node->comment = 1;

  // add term
  $node->field_tags[$node->language][]['tid'] = 1;

  // get the file path
  $file_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'phponwebsites') . '/Desert.jpg';
  // create file object
  $file = (object) array(
    'uid' => 1,
    'uri' => $file_path,
    'filemime' => file_get_mimetype($file_path),
    'status' => 1,
  // Save the file to the public directory. You can specify a subdirectory, for example, 'public://images'
  $file = file_copy($file, 'public://');
  // assign the file object into image field
  $node->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0] = (array)$file;
  // Prepare node for a submit
  $node = node_submit($node);
  //save the node

    After ran this code, you can see newly created node at admin/content. When you view that node, it looks like below image:

Create a new node programmatially in Drupal 7 at Phponwebsites

     Now I’ve hope you know how to create a new node programmatically in Drupal 7.